The Ponderaia
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Where Your Horse can be a Horse
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Boarding here at The Ponderaia the past 10 years has been such a wonderful experience for me and for Siskin – this is a very special barn and we’re both going to miss it very much.  I have always been impressed with the level of communication you have with our horses and to borrow a phrase from my kids, you have been the BEST HORSE MOM EVER!  I hope I can make Siskin as happy in her new home as she has been here.
     Melanie Dana, Goshen, MA.
Thank you, Laine.  You have taught us nearly everything we know about horses:  how to get your horse, and only your horse, safely out of the paddock; follow in other horses’ hoofprints, especially on the beach; never sniff nostrils with strangers; if we are hot, our horses are hotter.  You have given us unimagined thrills:  moonlight rides; gallops along the beach; parades with balloons, bands, cannon fire, dogs, skateboards; rides through Dead Man’s Curve - enough said!  You have taken good care of our friends:  you have let a certain mare slurp your morning coffee and given our horses hugs every night.  Thanks for everything. 
     Peg Hall and Topper, Gerry Azzata and Smudge,
     Cedar Mountain, N.C.
Thank you so much for all your kindness, patience, and great care of Fiona.  We are impressed by the quality of people you surround yourself with and are fortunate to have had Fiona at The Ponderaia.  We cannot thank you enough for everything you’ve done and we are so happy that Fiona is…HOME!
     Jennifer Pierce & Jennifer Hansen
We can’t thank you enough or truly express our appreciation for getting us to open our eyes to a way of horse keeping we never knew existed.  We will always remember you and The Ponderaia for offering us new opportunities as well, from our first moonlit ride to sharing the most incredible experience galloping along the shore of the Atlantic Ocean!  Thanks to you we will always make it a point, for Newcastle as well as our future horses, to find a place we can call home where “a horse can be a horse”. 
     Torrie Speller and Newcastle, Rocky Hill, Ct.
Congrats on the MA Horse Farm of Distinction Award!  That’s because The Ponderaia is pretty much the best barn in New England!
     Ripley Elizabeth Doten,
     former boarder and freelance photographer
Thanks for the lovely anniversary card.  It makes me feel good to know that Pretty is with someone who knows her so well and keeps an eye on her.  We plan to be with you for many, many more years.  I love your place and how you manage the barn.  Pretty is very happy, too, so it’s all good.
     Julie Batal  
I saw the segment on Lawrence Community Television that spotlighted you, your cats, horses and stable.  I thought the segment was well put together and interesting to viewers.  Your commitment to community service is always noticed.  Keep up the good work!
     Paul Denaro, Owner, Brittabee Farm, North Reading, MA.
Find out more about Laine.